May I call you my brother? A beloved elder brother, smiling as he paved the way for justice for his people. And showed others the way. Against an injustice...
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Respected audience Friends Brothers and sisters Our most deep-felt homage to Palestine, the beloved land. Highest esteem to Jerusalem, Al-Quds, the Holy City...
Res 101 (Nov 24, 53): Expressed ‘strongest censure’ of Israel for the first time because of its raid on Qibya. Res 106 (Mar 29, 55): Condemned...
This column is supposed to be personal, so that’s what I’ll let it be. I’m going to tell this story about myself to the discerning reader...
There are many roads that lead to Islam. Mine started in Oslo, wound through the Middle East and has returned to Norway where I am involved in Islamic work...
These are thoughts about a certain interpretation of Islam – the one we refer to as fundamentalist. This interpretation is to be found in many places...
Dear Sister! You are subject to great pressure, from many who wish to change you. They are critical of your clothing. They wish to change your thinking. May I...
Det er et positivt bilde av Hamas han tegner; Zaki Chehab, palestinsk journalist og flyktning, i boka Innside Hamas. Bokas undertittel er: ?The Untold Story of...
En fantastisk bok er den, Ilan Pappes: ?The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestina? (Oxford, 2007). Den hjelper oss langt på vei til å finne sannheten om Palestina. Ja...
“Det ble ikke lenger festet i Vinterpalasset, for det russiske imperiet var truet! Tsaren var fortvilet, det trillet tårer fra øynene hans...