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Aishas alder


Hei. Jeg lurer på hvor gammel Aisha var da hun giftet seg med profeten Mohammed?


Takk for spørsmål.

Dette er omdiskutert. Sannsynligvis var hun rundt 19 år. Jeg googlet på spørsmålet, og fikk opp flere lenker. Her tar jeg utdrag fra en av dem, med konklusjon:

Age of Aisha at time of marriage with Holy Prophet Muhammad
It is believed on the authority of some Hadith reports that the marriage ceremony (known as nikah, amounting to betrothal) of Aisha with the Holy Prophet Muhammad took place when she was six years of age, and that she joined the Holy Prophet as his wife three years later at the age of nine. This according to reports in Bukhari.

As to the authenticity of these reports, it may be noted that the compilers of the books of Hadith did not apply the same stringent tests when accepting reports relating to historical matters as they did before accepting reports relating to the practical teachings and laws of Islam.

Determination of the true age of Aisha
A great misconception prevails as to the age at which Aisha was taken in marriage by the Prophet.

Research into historic events related to Aisha is making Aisha 18 years old in 1 A.H. So Aisha would be 19 years old at the time of the consummation of her marriage, and 14 or 15 years old at the time of her nikah. It would place her year of birth at four or five years before the Call.

Historical facts is consistent with her being born before the Call, and being perhaps four or five years old at the time of the Call.

It has been shown that Aisha was nineteen at the time of the consummation of her marriage, and that she would have been twenty years old at the time of the battle of Uhud. We conclude from all the evidence cited above that Aisha was nineteen years old when she joined the Holy Prophet as his wife in the year 2 A.H., the nikah or betrothal having taken place five years previously.

Konklusjon: Aisha må ha vært 18-20 år da hun giftet seg.

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